Wednesday, January 11, 2006

drive slow homie

knowing where you are, what you need and being disciplined enough to stand strong for your heart, your self-esteem, your faith, your body as a whole and all that it houses, is a fulfilling state to be in. knowing that what feels good in the moment does not translate to long-term happiness is nothing but growth. good aging. so clearly i met a fine woman and i'm like slow down sparky!! but the good thing is before i even met her, i had decided that i need to slow down and stop assigning "the one" status so quickly, or even "ms. right now" status, because both categories lead to hurt once the truth sets in that you can no longer be with this person. so now, i met this woman and i really enjoy talking to her, and if my attraction does not grow along the way i have a new friend and i have not hurt her, and if it grows into something warm and fulfilling then i have something more with my friend. either way i think i come out fulfilled, just in different ways. but ultimaly the most life changing thing, over friendships and over love, will be the knowledge that i have the discipline to say no to myself when i want to do something fun and foolish.

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